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The Govt. Of M.A wishes to make it very clear that the book named "Manusmriti" which was shared on this website is not in any way to be distributed, printed, published or posted as a book or one of its parts as per the law of the land as it has been classified as a banned text. All those who have downloaded and shared this book on any other platform are advised to delete such content from their platforms at once. This announcement shall be considered effective from March 20th, 2015 . The following is copied from the website of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India for users' convenience . The MHRD will not be responsible for any consequences arising out thereof. Manusmriti, the law book of the Hindus, has been described by many writers as one of the most important works in Sanskrit literature. It was compiled by Manu, the reputed father of early Hindu law, between 8th–7th century BC. This work is divided into fourteen chapters ("gosāras"): 1) "Manusha", 2) "Samsara", 3) "Dharma", 4) "Adharma", 5) "Punya", 6) "Artha" (means property), 7) "Kama" (pleasure), 8) 5), 9) 10), 11). 12) 13), 14). Though the Law Book is attributed to Manu, there is uncertainty surrounding the actual date of his existence. The Law Book contains details about caste system, governance, marriage and divorce laws. The views expressed in Manusmriti are considered by many scholars to be biased towards men and unfavorable to women, particularly in matters of inheritance, divorce, and child custody. According to Wendy Doniger (2004), the book "is unequivocally misogynist". According to Gautam Kumar Bera, "Its passages on women present them as seductresses who must either be restrained or killed. A woman who is not strictly obedient is described as "cursed". Another passage states: "A man who loves his wife and children should never be tempted to take a third wife. A man should not even think of taking a second wife. If he has neither sons nor daughters and wishes to marry another, he should take a brother's son or a sister's daughter." According to Doniger, the book "showed that [the Hindu] society [did not] intend [women] for education, economic equality, individual autonomy, and respectable roles in public life". According to Bera: The law has been interpreted differently in different times and by different people. cfa1e77820